Travel Consultant

Contact Lorraine

St Albert, Alberta, T8N 6G1

Twenty Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail .

Explore. Dream. Discover

Mark Twain

When I first started traveling I never expected to see and do all what I have accomplished in the last 15 years and I have to admit I love sailing! That has allowed me to visit so many places in one trip.

I have had so many memorable experiences touring and sailing the Mekong River in Asia, the Yangtzee River in China, Sailing the Mediterranean, The French Riviera, The Mexican Riviera, The Eastern , Western and Southern Caribbean and looking forward to more adventures.

I believe that there is a time for everything so when an idea pops into your head let your dream come to life and it will come true!

Dream, Discover and Go Explore !

Lorraine Landry - St Albert
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