Animal Welfare Policy

We care about animals and have decided to follow in the footsteps of some of our Responsible Travel Partners in adopting some of their guidelines in Animal Welfare in Travel.

We consider the following practices unacceptable and strive to offer suppliers, tours and packages that do not include:

While we prefer to view animals in their natural environment, that isn't always possible. There are instances where captive animal experiences are of benefit to both animal and traveler. In some cases Animal sanctuaries etc. We do strive to use suppliers that follow these guidelines:

The following is a simple guideline:

Pictures and video courtesy of GAdventures.

Our worlds wildlife is a gift and something not to be taken for granted. They are a treasure and it is up to us to protect both the animals and their habitats. While we could sell certain products and get paid to do so we believe it is more important to stand by our principles. We believe it is our job as members of the travel industry not to judge but to educate. Heather is a certified Meaningful Travel Advisor through Tourism Cares and is happy to answer any questions you may have about our policy and the research we have done to get there.

Here are some useful links that we have used as part of our research:

World Cetacean Alliance

World Animal Protection Dolphins in Captivity Report

Jane Goodall Institute